Other Industries

With over 150+ Languages and 1,500 translators at our service we’re your one-stop shop.

Every industry is different but we have the people for your specific requirements. That’s why at Translations Direct we offer a full range of industry specific translation solutions, so you can be sure you will get the right result for your needs. 

We pretty much cover the world.

No one translation is the same

'Hello' translated into French, Italian and Spanish

Every translation is different. That’s why at Translations Direct we offer a full range of translation solutions, so you can be sure you can get the right result for your needs. With over 150+ Languages and 1,500 translators at our service we’re your one-stop shop.

Our biggest volume of translation is for: Chinese, French, German, Spanish (LA & EU), Portugese (LA & EU) and Turkish. But you can be sure we pretty much cover the world.

What our clients are saying…

We’re also experts in medical…

Did you know we serve over 150+ languages with specialist solutions?