Hello speech bubble

The right words, every time

About us

Translations Direct is an international language service provider located in Andover, England. We have a worldwide network of professional translators, so we can be available to our clients anytime, anywhere, to deliver your project on time and at the highest quality.

Our over 30 years of experience, our commitment to the highest standards of safety, our agile ways of working and our personal approach to your challenge means you get translations of the highest quality each time.

Why choose Translations Direct?

We set very high standards for ourselves and our translators. We regularly undergo further training and are always open to feedback and improvement.


We adapt and flex to the requirements of our clients to handle any task.


We have nerves of steel, with skills sharpened by years of fast-paced, accurate translations for high-profile clients. You’ll always get your words on time.


We have been around for over 30 years, always priding ourselves on the highest standards of service and always evolving to serve our clients better every day.


Our blend of highly creative and highly technical translators means you get the right people for the job at hand, every time.

Interdisciplinary experience

Our dedicated teams are always on hand to answer any questions and solve any issue.

Personal support & advice

Your data is safe with us. All our work is done in secure IT environments, adhering to some of the world’s strictest data security laws.

Security & safety

Expert translator

Let’s get started today

Would you like advice or information? Fill in the contact form, send us an email, or give us a call. We are also there for you outside office hours.

'Hello' translated into French, Italian and Spanish

Our specialist services…

Did you know we serve over 150+ languages to a vast range of industries?